Saturday, December 17, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Global Read Aloud

Mrs. Abernethy's Mighty Moose are participating in The Global Read Aloud 2016. In short, the Global Read Aloud is a program where thousands of teachers and students from around the world are reading aloud the same novel for six weeks. There are five different books to choose from based on the students' ages and interest. To learn more about it, go to this link: or watch the video below:

The Mighty Moose have chosen to read the book, Pax by Sara Pennypacker. Here is a video using some of the pictures they have created while listening to the book.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day

Many schools are closed on Veteran's Day, but we are one of the lucky ones. Our students come to school, giving us the opportunity to teach them the real meaning of the day while being able to honor local veterans. Watch the videos below to see some highlights of the program our music teacher, Mrs. Volek, put together with the students.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Our Class Election

While the country focused on a national election, we were focused on our class election. After a primary, two debates and several speeches, our two candidates, Myles and Tori, were ready for one last pitch to the class.


Mighty Moose President Myles - The Winner

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Note from the teacher: While cleaning up files on my computer, I came across these notes developed by students in class. If you remove the names, it actually reads like science poetry! Of course, I wouldn't remove the names, though, because those kids deserve the right to see their names up on the blog! They all had something smart to say, but together their brilliance is invincible!

Seth We need to learn how to power the world with solar energy. 
Mason Sometimes gas pipelines have to be diverted around lakes, people’s properties and other landforms that are difficult to manuveur. 
The old drills used to drill oil had three bits that spun, but they could only drill straight down. Rebecca 
It takes 3 football fields for the new drills to turn at a 90 degree angle. Joshua 
Oil is used for almost everything we own. Thomas 
We need to recycle plastic bottles, instead of letting them sit in landfills. Tayler 
You need to be careful when you are drilling for oil, because it costs a lot of money. D.J.  
Most of our clothing is made out of oil. Sarah 
Almost everything in the world is made out of oil. Natalie 
If you throw away a plastic bottle, nothing happens to it. Selena 
Gas, Oil, and Coal are nonrenewable resources. Isabella 
It is important to know if there is a gas leak, because natural gas is highly flammable. Megan 
If we threw away everything in our house made out of oil, we would be living on bare floors and wearing animal skins. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Riverside Park

Today Mrs. Abernethy's class and Mrs. Winner's class walked to Riverside Park to meet the Creek Connections crew. We performed water quality tests and we collected and studied macroinvertebrates by using the kicknetting method.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


The Mobile Energy Education Truck Unit came to the school today. Go to our Science Blog to see everything we learned about fossil fuels and more this week.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Groundbreaking Ceremony

Today, we broke ground for our new school which will be attached to Hempfield Elementary. Projected completion date is December 2017.< /br>< /br>